- 10440 Little Patuxent Pkwy, Ste 300 Columbia, MD 21044
- +1 (443) 318-7000
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Job openings
Multiple IT Positions with Acetech Group Corporation located in Columbia, Maryland:
Involving: programming, software development designing, developing, maintaining & modifying computer software & computer systems –
The following 6 position titles range from level I-III.
Software Engineer, Software Developer, .NET Developer, BI Developer, JAVA Developer and Solutions Architect.
Level I req: BS in CS or rel. analytical or quantitative fld.
Level II req: BS in CS or rel. quant. or analytical fld & 2 yrs exp. in offrd pos. or related exp. pos.
Level III req: MS in CS or rel. analytical or quant. fld OR a BS in CS or rel. analytical or quant. fld & 5 yrs exp. in offrd pos. or related exp .
Acceptable. fields of study: CS, CIS, Comp. App, Engg, (including EE, Software, Communications, Comp., Civil, Mech., & Indust. Engg, Bus. Admin, Acct., Finance, Management, Math, Physics, Commerce, Statistics, Tech, Wireless Comm, Telecomm. & Info. Systems.
** All positions require unanticipated nationwide travel/relocation to various client/project sites. Reply w/ resume to Acetech Group Corporation at [email protected]